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Rational Morality


As we move further into the 21st Century, it becomes ever more evident to me that a new basis of morality is needed. The old ones no longer suffice.

Historically, our foundation for morality has been religion but that is no longer appropriate. First of all, many people are no longer religious and are likely to disregard any moral system that is so based. And even when a person belongs to a religion, they are likely to live in a multi-faith society. Laws are based on a society's prevailing morality and, if that morality is based on a particular religious view, other faiths are likely to object to at least some of those laws. If a large proportion of a population disagree with a society's laws, the outcome is alarming.

Even ignoring the foundation and obedience of laws, basing morality on any religion's views is not prudent. The religion's basis is usually a 'holy book' such as the Bible or Koran, and these are almost invariably many years – if not centuries – old. Many of the problems of the 21st Century are not considered in these books: environmental damage, test-tube babies, weapons of mass destruction, the Internet, etc. Trying to find a religious basis to these problems either involves a reinterpretation of passages from the Holy Books (with the resulting problems of mistranslation or out-of-context usage) or a pronouncement from a leader with usually no rational explanation of his decision. At the very least, a moral decision based purely on a dogmatic statement precludes any debate between people.

If we cannot use religion for our moral basis, then where do we go? This is the purpose of this article. First I look at where our morals truly come from – when the religious explanation is not employed. Then I look at how we can create a society based on a rational ethical construction. The biggest hurdle for anyone in these pages is to put aside their prejudices and preconceptions, and follow my reasoning objectively. Try it. You may change your life.


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